Request for Bids or Proposals

Bid Results and Tabulations

After the closing date of a bid, City staff reviews each bid in order to make a recommendation to the City Manager and/or City Commission.

Bid Results and Tabulations 

Active Requests for Bids or Proposals

Request for Proposals - Design Build Construction Services for Robert Coleman Park Spray Ground and Restroom Facilities

The City of Paducah Parks and Recreation Department is seeking proposals for the renovation of an existing spray ground and restroom facility located at Robert Coleman Park in Paducah’s southside neighborhoods. Respondents should include all aspects of design and construction services (design-build) for pool circulation and filtration equipment and related piping, plumbing, water play features and amenities, improved play surfaces, restroom facilities, shade structures, and site furnishings.

The City of Paducah is accepting responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) from organizations that are:
a) licensed/certified to operate in the Commonwealth of Kentucky;
b) experienced in working with the design and construction of aquatic facilities;
c) experienced in working with the Kentucky Building Code and the Kentucky Department of Public Health in the area of aquatics;
d) experienced in designing aquatic facilities, according to the national standards for Parks and Recreation Agencies;
e) experienced in ensuring all renovations meet Kentucky Public swimming and Bathing Facilities Regulations.

Organizations responding to this RFP must be prepared to undertake, in the most efficient manner, all aspects of design-build services. Organizations are invited to submit a proposal as described herein by the submission deadline set for 10:30 am on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Request for Proposals Packet - Robert Coleman Park Spray Ground and Restroom Facilities     

Addendum No. 1 - Robert Coleman Park Project

Request for Proposals - Development and Transfer of Real Property at 1501 Broadway Street (former Katterjohn property)

The City of Paducah, Kentucky is requesting sealed proposals for the development and transfer of real property at 1501 Broadway Street (former Katterjohn property).

Request for Proposals Packet - 1501 Broadway

For questions regarding this RFP, please email Nancy Upchurch, Senior Administrative Assistant – Planning Department or call 270-444-8690. Questions must be submitted in writing by February 28, 2025, at 4 p.m.

Sealed proposals, including project approach, references and qualifications must be received by 4:00 p.m. C.S.T. on March 31, 2025. RFPs received after this time frame will be rejected and returned to sender unopened. Proposals may be mailed or delivered to:

Nancy Upchurch – 1501 Broadway Street
City of Paducah
300 South 5th Street
Paducah, Kentucky 42003